Sunday, April 29, 2012


this is from b&w party, a very fun night. i remember dancing on the back porch and having so much fun until you hit me for no reason.......and by that i mean until i pretended like you hit me and cried out in fake pain. people actually looked at you with some disdain as if you had really just struck a girl at a christian dance party.

i can also remember a little while after this when we were sitting at octane one time pretending to do work on our laptops. i was on facebook looking at recent pictures from the party. perhaps you actually were working. who even knows? anyway, i remember talking about how much eye makeup i wore that night and how it was sooo much more than i normally wore. you gave me the politest responses you could muster.

so, thank you for being my friend even when i portray various forms of terrible humans.

hp, jjt.

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