Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good Morning, Pancakes?

So there we are one Sunday morning, flour, milk, eggs and golden syrup in hand.  It's very early, especially considering the late night we had last night.  Yet after only a couple of knocks at the door, there appears Jason Tatum looking tired but nonetheless happy to see us.  We were neither invited nor expected but we knew the kind of guy we were dealing with here, with a seemingly endless capacity not only to welcome but to take great pleasure in doing so (even when he is tired and we demand that he lets us make pancakes, mess and noise in his previously peaceful and clean abode).  We were very grateful for the company and hospitality, on that moment and always.  This was the time following Becky's birthday when Owen, Carmen and Lauren were here and we very much invaded your privacy by demanding your company and the use of your kitchen.

There are of course so many other great times and memories and I'm so glad to have had you in my life over what is now the past few years and I know that I am not alone in thinking this, as this blog will demonstrate.  I always know that any situation which involves you will be filled with an uncomparable warmth and joy.  In addition to this, you do also have the incredible ability to throw a frisbee so far that it leaves the human range of vision.

So, Jason Tatum, I send you my warmest best wishes, love and congratulations on reaching the ripe age of 30.  I know that there are many more great times ahead and look forward to being around to experience them with you!

Matt (H - there are a lot of Matts in the world)

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