Sunday, April 29, 2012

All this beauty...You might have to close your eyes...And slowly open wide


After being on yearbook staff at Sandy Creek, I fell in love with everything "yearbook" and this blog is like getting to sign a yearbook of your life and friendship together!  Happy 30th birthday :)  You are truly one of the most dependable, kindest, joyful, and laughable friends I hold dear to my heart.  You have been fundamental in the formation of some of my favorite memories.  My time in England is defined by memory upon memory involving you.  From the long conversations we'd have about faith and life over pints and cigarettes to cooking dinner together on Tiverton to our Sunday letter-writing coffee afternoons to sitting on my birthday cake, I discovered a person I knew would be a life-long friend.  Although our friendship had beginnings through Post Wood apartments, Young Life and CCF, our time together in England was life-changing.  I went on a "leadership journey" retreat through Teach For America a few weekends ago and read through a perception you had written for me back when I was at CCF; you wrote about how you wanted to keep me around for the rest of your life through all the changing seasons--I hope you know how I much I definitely want the same.  You are one of a kind and I love you dearly.  Happy Birthday!

-Emily :)

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