Sunday, April 15, 2012

from your friend with the restless mind and clever wit...

Tatum!!! So this is exciting. My first ever blog post. I'm not much into blogging or reading blogs or knowing much about any modern day interwebs and technology, so I'm just going to put all my birthday wishes and tangents down memory lane in this one post :-)

Picture this. It's the year 2004. Georgia Tech. I, a young, naive freshman. You a poetic, honorary intern....that fall, the birth of Facebook brought innovation and virtual joy to us all....and it was then when you and I became the first ever fake facebook relationship. That was pretty awesome. We are such trailblazers...

Then all the fun you brought to our Hemphill 'get-togethers'...and that one fun breakfast at McDonalds with you, me, Em and Kara...."this is like a really bad McDonalds commercial"....*sigh*...haha.....

Also, remember that time we discovered that island down in good ole' fayette county? We were like the first ever to be on that island. I doubt anyone to this day has yet to step foot on it either...

And then of course, the many many really wonderful conversations at Manuel's over some refreshing PBR. Sometimes it was story time, sometimes it was sharing and learning more about Jesus, and sometimes it just was me venting about the latest drama or dilemma in my life. You always had that listening ear and insight. You are such a great sounding board and an even better friend.

Gosh, I miss hearing your stories and ideas. I am certain you are gaining so many more since you have been in England. You are such an inspiration and it has been an honor to be your friend and a part of your journey in following God and your dreams and getting to England. I can't wait to see and hear what's next! It's all about the story.....

Happy 30th Birthday, my dear friend!! I miss and love you!

P.S. If by the time you read this and you still haven't replied back to my email, you should ;-)

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