Thursday, April 26, 2012

so they say it's your birthday..

You made the journey all the way to UWG to give a talk to help me raise money only to be misquoted and misunderstood by my brother. Then you helped in convincing me to stay an extra semester in England when you weren’t even there yet. You understood all of my quirky habits as well as shared some of them. You quote song lyrics with me! and you made me get into the habit of doing that nudge thing… You shared mine and Emily’s utter obsession with Fantastic Mr. Fox. We had £3 sub of the day subway sandwiches almost every Sunday. We gave Kevin a hard time for liking Nickelback (I still try to do that from time to time..).We met Lucy Bishop in The Goose who said she would “head up to New York or down to Miami in my bikin.” We quoted Buechner maybe too much? You were there for me to vent about my stalker visiting me in England. We drank a lot of coffee and read a lot of books. And so much more! You have been a great friend to me and are always encouraging. You always know how to make me smile. I miss you so much and hope your birthday is absolutely wonderful!
and for old times sake, a FB quote:

"The two most important days in a person’s life are the day that they are born, and the day they discover why." -Frederick Buechner

 Happy Birthday my friend :)

 -Katie Edenfield


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