Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Manny!

Dear Manny Jason Tatum,

God bless Mark Zuckerberg for keeping track of our relationship for us.  I just went through our facebook page to reminisce and I was reminded.  Reminded of all the incredible and fun and life-changing and never-forgettable times that I’ve had with you.

You stood beside me at my wedding; you’ve been a loyal and great friend to my wife for years; you’ve been an incredible uncle to Benjamin; you’ve been a great friend ; you are someone who shapes people and the world in ways I can’t wait to feel the effects.

Thanks for being a great friend to me.  Thanks for being a great friend to my wife.  Thanks for being a great role model for my boys.  Thanks for being a great friend to many.  And thanks for making Jesus smile.

Happy 30th Birthday Tay Tay. 

- Justin Timberlake Phil Dumphee Robert Braden

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