Sunday, April 15, 2012

a golf cart tale.

Before you moved away, we used to have these Peachtree City days. The first time I came to visit you asked me, "What do you want to do?" and I immediately and specifically responded "Golf cart ride." It's one of your favorite memories to bring up and I always laugh. So we went on a golf cart ride. Along with eating broccoli and cheddar soup at ABC, you knowing every single person that walks into Starbucks, doing the Greece puzzle inside the bookstore, and eating ice dream at Chick-Fil-A. But most importantly the golf cart ride.  
So after we had tasted our glorious honey suckles - we found a big open field. You decided it would be the most fun to do donuts in this field - I laughed but didn't stop you. Turns out there was a big ole mud patch and we got stuck. This picture is our disappointment. The sadness continued when we were trying to push it out and the coolest kids in town drive by on their own cart and literally point and laugh at us. You were a trooper and got your shoes muddy, but we made it through. Love you and miss you. <3 Sarah

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