Sunday, April 29, 2012

el tatum,

remember that time i had red hair and we went to formal at the president's house? not obama's house, the gt president--not as cool. anyway, thank you for going with me :)

you have been a wonderful friend throughout the years. i think it's actually been 5 years now, which i think is pretty noteworthy. you and i can laugh for hours about the silliest of things, and everyone needs some people like that in their lives. you supported me through some pretty big times in my life both exciting and tough, and for that i say thank you.

thank you for introducing me to octane.
thank you for calling me out on the hard stuff.
thank you for saying i was hot that one time before we were friends at ccf.
thank you for always pushing me to be my best.

next time you're in town let's go to the fayetteville dwarf house and sit and laugh and pretend to take naps and politely refuse to leave even though the staff is cleaning around us. you will always be a dear friend to me.

la sara

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