Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Tates

hey Tatum, just wanted to take a minute to remember and thank you for all of the awesome times we've had this term. It seems like so long ago that you came to pick us up at the airport on that rainy day in January. Since then we've had so many great times! Its been really great living with you and getting to know you over the course of the term. You are such a great guy and I'm so thankful for our time toegether. I'll never forget our time in Dublin, and the countless other things we've done together. Ok, you need my laptop to go see this blog, so happy birthday. love you man!

You can call me Al!

Tatum, I can remember clear as day the first time I heard you tell your story about flooding the old plantation house, and the the story of the Girl with the Pink Bufonda! But the best memory I have of us both is that talk we had a few weekend aways ago. Buddy, I can't believe you're 30, it seems like only yesterday that Ash Harris introduced us in the beer garden of the Goose. Many a good time has been had since and I sincerely hope that there are many more to come! As the great philosopher Dylan said, "May you stay forever Young!" Happy Birthday Jason!

Matt (Skelding)

To the best of times!

There were good times,

That turned into great times.

There were party times

And there were times where we imitated awkwardly standing naked statue men.

Tatum,  there have been times where we have shared houses, meals, conversations about life, and life itself.  We have crafted together.  We have grown together.  There were times when you taught me to just go and not worry about the whatever.  There were times when you gave me encouragement that I so desperately needed.  There were times when your strength gave me strength, and where your laughter made me laugh.  There were conga lines.  There was an extraordinary amount of Paul Simon.  There were lyrics and singing and dancing, and everything in between.

But the most important and beautiful part, my dear friend, is that there are many more times to be shared.  Times to sit and enjoy the world we both love to love.

Times to watch Scott huck the proverbial frisbee off into the nothing.

So here's to the times we have yet to experience!  A lifetime of adventuring.

I love you buddy,

neither of our faces are in this picture, but our hearts and souls certainly are.

i will always have fond memories of that random eating area upstairs at the spring street publix.  one might consider it an upper room, of sorts.  plus, free dessert never hurts.


love, dee.

Dude, I'm so late in the game here...but this way my post is at the top of the page...and it is still the morning of your GOLDEN BDAY here in the States.  I'm currently draped in gold in honor of you.  Which you have no way of knowing whether that is actually the case or not.  But I think I've established myself as a fairly trustworthy human being in your eyes over all these years, so you'll just have to take my word for it.  Today I raise my proverbial glass (also draped in gold) to celebrate you, your wordsmithiness, your hilariosity, your wisdomfulness, and many good times together in various places.

Love ya man - one day we shall exist on the same continent again...and for that, I cannot wait.  Happiest of birthdays to ya sir.  

And finally, to complete this birthday tribute to you...I hope that I can recall to your mind a certain song that would play outside the window of this lovely building many years ago...that song that haunted all our moments, waking and sleeping, as it wafted up from the arcade next to the Champion below...may it be stuck in your head the rest of this day, and many a day to come until our next meeting sir.
-El Jer

Birthday Boy!

Hey buddy! I hope today is an amazing day for you. I am glad you were born and placed in all of our lives. You mean the world to a lot of people. You taught me so much through our many convos about life, love, and God. Thanks. Happy Birthday friend. You deserve the best in everything you do and I hope that today you get a taste of what the best is. We love you. Happy Birthday.

Chris Hylton

P.S. I forgive you for never writing me a letter back haha!
P.P.S. We literally have no pictures together. Thus, that situation should be rectified according whenever I see you next.


I could go on and on about all the memories I have with you, a lot of them revolve around firsts.
First date
First kiss
First (and only) prom
You've lost that lovin' feelin'!
Lots of lovely dinners and great conversations...but what really stood out to me was the fact that you're the ONLY friend who's held ALL my babies within weeks, and in Ryland's case within hours of his birth. This is so special to me!
And to see your transformation from holding Amaris 5 1/2 years ago so timidly, fast forwarding to 9+ months ago and watching you hold not one, but two babies with ease and confidence and over all just rocking it at all things babies and kids.
You are such an incredible friend, a TREASURE of a man, and a fabulous human being.
You will be a great dad, and in the mean time the very best Tay-tay that any child could have.
Blessings to you friend on this your 30th of birthdays!
Oh my goodness! Happy, happy birthday Tatum!

So as I was trying to figure out my favorite memory of us, I decided that there were too many to choose from... Instead, I want you to know that I love you so, so much! We've known each other for a few years now, and although our fun times have gone from road trips to Cambridge to talks in the kitchen about how exciting an awesome wood cutting board would be, I am honored to have you as a friend. You are incredible and loved by so many, and I hope that your heart is so full and you feel the love today!

It's your birthday... and yes 30 is the new 20, so live it up!

Love you so much!

Kalyn xx

Sunday, April 29, 2012

OCTOBER 16, 2011

here's hoping those mayans were just some crazy mofos because otherwise, WE SERIOUSLY MISSED OUT. for real though, you just look so handsome in this photo! yeah, i said it. 

Happy birthday

He's kinda tall... Wears t-shirts sometimes....Prestooooooooon! What a great start to our friendship. Happy birthday buddy. Love you lots and can't wait to live on the same island as you! - Andrew Owens

airports can evoke some pretty strong emotions, don't you think? look at my hair refusing to let go. quit being so dramatic, hair. next time you leave for another installment of your adventurous life, let's middle school dance in the atrium at hartsfield. it'll make things easier for all of us.

p.s. i still have that notebook, and it still makes me so incredibly happy. can't wait til i am reading a book you've written and not just written in.


this is from b&w party, a very fun night. i remember dancing on the back porch and having so much fun until you hit me for no reason.......and by that i mean until i pretended like you hit me and cried out in fake pain. people actually looked at you with some disdain as if you had really just struck a girl at a christian dance party.

i can also remember a little while after this when we were sitting at octane one time pretending to do work on our laptops. i was on facebook looking at recent pictures from the party. perhaps you actually were working. who even knows? anyway, i remember talking about how much eye makeup i wore that night and how it was sooo much more than i normally wore. you gave me the politest responses you could muster.

so, thank you for being my friend even when i portray various forms of terrible humans.

hp, jjt.
el tatum,

remember that time i had red hair and we went to formal at the president's house? not obama's house, the gt president--not as cool. anyway, thank you for going with me :)

you have been a wonderful friend throughout the years. i think it's actually been 5 years now, which i think is pretty noteworthy. you and i can laugh for hours about the silliest of things, and everyone needs some people like that in their lives. you supported me through some pretty big times in my life both exciting and tough, and for that i say thank you.

thank you for introducing me to octane.
thank you for calling me out on the hard stuff.
thank you for saying i was hot that one time before we were friends at ccf.
thank you for always pushing me to be my best.

next time you're in town let's go to the fayetteville dwarf house and sit and laugh and pretend to take naps and politely refuse to leave even though the staff is cleaning around us. you will always be a dear friend to me.

la sara

Tay Tay!


From Sandy Creek, to Kennesaw, all the way across the pond. 
I admit it, I've been following you around for years.

Although that happens to be true, I think our friendship officially began my first semester in England as we sat in Starbucks and you listened to a few details of my ridiculous track record. You also had the pleasure of being a part of one of my first encounters with students in Selly Oak, which was when we participated in a cooking competition that neither of us knew existed - "Ready, Steady, Cook."

Above all else, the Wednesday night dinners at your house are what I miss most. The experimental recipes, random movies, and assortment of new and old friends made for some unforgettable times.  

Thanks for being a rock star friend and continuing to pour into the lives of all of those Canvas students who I miss so very much! 

Happiest 30th Birthday to you! 

A Little Birthday Poem

Tay Tay. 
It's your Birthday. 
And I can't think of what to say
(Plus you'd word it better anyway)
to express my appreciation
of your hard work
and your flair for play,

I'm so glad you chose to stay
in our fair England,
where - alas! Yonder ray
of Sun cannot quite penetrate.
And we the people must fall prey 
to much H2O of the descending varie-TAY.

But your sunny disposition drives away
the Cumulonimbus from our view
and brings a magic that only appears
when you do. 

Hope you enjoyed that. 

I think you're great. :D So impressed with the way you're rocking 30 years (face cake and all), and I hope that when my time (immanently) appears, I will be able to carry it off with as much style as you do.  Thank you for being you. Our lives here in England are richer for your presence in them. 

Love ya, mate. Happy Birthday. 

Jenny x 

Tatum Time

Oh Tatum, fellow kennesaw state owl... Happy 30th friend! Out of all the hang outs we have had, I have to say christmas with the Fortunatos and tatum time hangout in Chile are definitely the top two. In fact, I still listen to the wonderful playlist mix you made on my itunes. Tacos, beers, music and friends, what a night.

Miss you,


Red Panda Basketball Club- thats all I'm going to say about that. This is the most beautiful animal on the planet, I think you agree. Thanks for all those trips to pets mart when I needed cheering up. Also, thanks for taking runs through the nature center - thats a dream come true. And also, thanks for the best christmas present ever and taking me to the London zoo. You are a true friend who supports my strange connection to all animals cute and cuddly. 
<3 Sarah

My Dear Friend.

My dear friend,

I have only just left your magnificent company after your joyous and overflowing birthday party but, already, I feel my life is a little duller.
From talking politics and literature, to sharing gifts of jam and cider, to being privileged to some of the finest and most stimulating conversations of my young life. You make me a better person by being my friend.

Tatum, my cup runneth over. Happy Birthday dear man.

With love,

Moya x

Would you rather?

So, since it is your Golden Birthday, it is very important to document some previous life events on this immortal blog space.

There was that first time we met when you  permanently scarred my 18-year-old ears on the Shocco Springs retreat with the dirtiest game of Would you Rather? that my mind could fathom.  Then later, you crowed surfed.

Luckily, I managed to return to CCF after the incident, so that we could become friends and wear the same 

And there was that one time when we came to visit you in Birmingham and visited that house which actually didn't end up being the Canvas house.  Good times were had at that dumpster.

Basically, I am glad that I have gotten to be a part of your life.  It's amazing to think how much wisdom, humo[u]r and friendship you have acquired in these first 30 years of living.  Your life is set to be jam packed at this rate.  Hope your birthday is great!



Tay Tay!!

Mate, this is picture is just one of many fabulous memories with you, remember when you guys all came down to oxford for my birthday and we played hacky sack in uni parks on that beautiful day?

I also remember the day I met you, you were talking about lady parts at urban village and I thought you were hilarious and amazing. My perception of others is clearly very good ;)

Thanks for the hilarity, the American-ness, the numerous times you've given me the finger during BANG! and for being Tatum.

Loads of love,

Tom! x

P.s. cannot wait to live with you next year!

Birthday Fiasco

Remember when...
You and Lauren planned a midnight birthday picnic surprise for me?!
And then you sat on my cake.....and didn't realize it until the next day.
We couldn't have planned a funnier event if we'd tried.  If only I could sit on your 30th birthday cake this year I would.   <3 ems :)

All this beauty...You might have to close your eyes...And slowly open wide


After being on yearbook staff at Sandy Creek, I fell in love with everything "yearbook" and this blog is like getting to sign a yearbook of your life and friendship together!  Happy 30th birthday :)  You are truly one of the most dependable, kindest, joyful, and laughable friends I hold dear to my heart.  You have been fundamental in the formation of some of my favorite memories.  My time in England is defined by memory upon memory involving you.  From the long conversations we'd have about faith and life over pints and cigarettes to cooking dinner together on Tiverton to our Sunday letter-writing coffee afternoons to sitting on my birthday cake, I discovered a person I knew would be a life-long friend.  Although our friendship had beginnings through Post Wood apartments, Young Life and CCF, our time together in England was life-changing.  I went on a "leadership journey" retreat through Teach For America a few weekends ago and read through a perception you had written for me back when I was at CCF; you wrote about how you wanted to keep me around for the rest of your life through all the changing seasons--I hope you know how I much I definitely want the same.  You are one of a kind and I love you dearly.  Happy Birthday!

-Emily :)

Jason Julian Tatum


30 on the 30th???  This is special.  I hope you're having the MOST wonderful day.

Oh the fascism FAB.  The dinners at 94.  The back rubs.  The naps on your sofa.  The pizza express fate.

Thanks for everything.

With love,

Becky xx

We are the circus (insert epic dance sequence with acrobats and elephants here)

To my dear Tatum,
Let's get to the point... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Now that's out of the way I can get a little sentimental.  I'm going to keep this short so I don't get all emotional sitting here writing by myself, but I want you to know that your friendship is so important to me.  You encouraged me and empowered me to love people.  For that reason, I hope you realize that when we are in Scotland, you will have played a big part in affecting students not just at the University of Birmingham, but all over the great and wonderful British isle.  Thanks Tatum for so long giving me a familiar face to see in Octane, for going to the circus with me and the random assortment of friends we gathered on Valentine's day '07, and, since I was a freshman, for treating me like I am important to you and to the world. 
I love you buddy and can't wait to join you over in the homeland,

Birthdays, man.

So, remember that time you, me and Matt went to Dublin and totally beat the system on everything?  Yeah, it was pretty awesome.  The joys of RyanAir, a pint of Guinness with a fantastic view of the city, sitting in a pub listening to live music and making friends with some Germans, getting super close to tigers at the zoo... and who could forget the leprechaun of our trip: the search for the 2 Euro pizza? Crazy good times.

I am so so happy that I got the opportunity to come to Canvas and spend an entire semester with you.  Within the first few days of getting to know you, I already felt like we'd been friends for ages.  Thanks for all the movie marathons at Grisly Manor.  Thanks for getting all my references to things and laughing at all (or at least most) of my jokes.  Whenever you need someone to do the same for you, I'll be right there! But most of all, thanks for being a fantastic friend! I have learned so much from you, laughed so much with you, and will miss you so much when I have to go back to Atlanta.  But we will definitely stay in touch, because now that you're a part of my life, I can't imagine it without you :)

Happy Birthday Tatum!!!

Love, Erin xxxx

Good Morning, Pancakes?

So there we are one Sunday morning, flour, milk, eggs and golden syrup in hand.  It's very early, especially considering the late night we had last night.  Yet after only a couple of knocks at the door, there appears Jason Tatum looking tired but nonetheless happy to see us.  We were neither invited nor expected but we knew the kind of guy we were dealing with here, with a seemingly endless capacity not only to welcome but to take great pleasure in doing so (even when he is tired and we demand that he lets us make pancakes, mess and noise in his previously peaceful and clean abode).  We were very grateful for the company and hospitality, on that moment and always.  This was the time following Becky's birthday when Owen, Carmen and Lauren were here and we very much invaded your privacy by demanding your company and the use of your kitchen.

There are of course so many other great times and memories and I'm so glad to have had you in my life over what is now the past few years and I know that I am not alone in thinking this, as this blog will demonstrate.  I always know that any situation which involves you will be filled with an uncomparable warmth and joy.  In addition to this, you do also have the incredible ability to throw a frisbee so far that it leaves the human range of vision.

So, Jason Tatum, I send you my warmest best wishes, love and congratulations on reaching the ripe age of 30.  I know that there are many more great times ahead and look forward to being around to experience them with you!

Matt (H - there are a lot of Matts in the world)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Tay Tay

It all started on a bus in Canada.. just as it should.  The best part about our opening is that its completely true.  Those two 8th graders that never truly fit in, sitting on a bus discussing politics and ethics.. a teacher overhearing commenting on how mature we were.  And that is the commencement of "Nat Nat and Tay Tay."  From there we went along ups and downs, silent judgements at the graphic arts cook-out, helping with my little sister's Bday, sandwiches after school with clayton, Young life, waffle house chats, wyld life leaders, prophesies over pizza (that totally came into fruition), reunited by CCF, deep shizzle, manuels, manuels, manuels, cook outs at Jill's, dinner at dean's, cafe 74, groomsmen, England, writing Bible study over skype, Friday night family dinners, "uncle tay tay", walks through bournville, going organic, skits (again) buying the pregnancy test that tells us Everett was on the way, honorary member of the Collins family.  You are my other brother.  There are no possible words that can encapsulate such a friendship, only the realization that we have it and it is good.  You know I love you like family.  Its just not right not celebrating your birthday together in person. 

Happy Birthday, friend.
love you. 
Nat Nat

Happy Birthday Manny!

Dear Manny Jason Tatum,

God bless Mark Zuckerberg for keeping track of our relationship for us.  I just went through our facebook page to reminisce and I was reminded.  Reminded of all the incredible and fun and life-changing and never-forgettable times that I’ve had with you.

You stood beside me at my wedding; you’ve been a loyal and great friend to my wife for years; you’ve been an incredible uncle to Benjamin; you’ve been a great friend ; you are someone who shapes people and the world in ways I can’t wait to feel the effects.

Thanks for being a great friend to me.  Thanks for being a great friend to my wife.  Thanks for being a great role model for my boys.  Thanks for being a great friend to many.  And thanks for making Jesus smile.

Happy 30th Birthday Tay Tay. 

- Justin Timberlake Phil Dumphee Robert Braden

Happy Happy Birthday!

The fact that you've had this blog created in your honour and have had so many people bring it to life shows how loved you are and that only comes from being a great person. I can't remember the first time we met but many happy memories have come after that which won't be forgotten. A lovely Easter lunch, a vibrant energy around a welsh campfire and some memorable talks are just a few of these. For me your most striking characteristic is an ability to seamlessly get and keep a group of people together and leave a good impression whereever you go. You also have an ability to get along with just about any person which is a rare and valuable talent. All in all you are a great person and I hope the rest of your life will be as full and exciting as its been so far.
Happy happy birthday,

A Post About the Now Infamous Trip to Antico

This story dates back to a time when hemphill was still a house and not just a street.  The new John Mayer album was about to drop, but you used your tatum magic to get it early.  So there we were, sitting around with nothing to do, listening to heartbreak warfare, when we started getting hungry, and, as if by fate, Antico Pizza had opened only a couple weeks before directly across the street.  

What happened next, I would put on par with going to a concert to see a mediocre local band, but arriving to find the rolling stones doing sound check.  Like walking into a wardrobe and finding Narnia.  It was beautiful chaos.  People yelling in Italian and English, phones ringing, a cacophony of people talking among themselves over the madness around them; and smells, all sorts of smells: sweet canoli, savory pepperoni and sausage, peppers, wood fire, and of course the smell of all these combined that can only be described as pizza. It took a moment to get our bearings; we sat in silence for several seconds, simply taking in the overwhelming atmosphere contained in this familiar but forgettable facade. And then we laughed, because at that point, there was nothing to say, none of us could have expected to find something this spectacular so close to where we were laying around listening to a bootleg John Mayer album.

Waiting to order was as much a joy as the moments spent eating the pizza.  We bought canolis, took half priced calzones, ordered a pizza whose name we couldn't pronounce.  The clerk was giving the order phone to customers because she couldn't understand the English over the immense restaurant noise. It was a whirlwind of  spontaneous purchases, laughs, and mouthings of "this is ridiculous" and "what?!." It was hard to leave once we had all the food, but the one table in the place was full and we needed to eat.  So we wandered over to the gas station,grabbed a six pack, and headed home where we laughed more and discussed the unexpectedly unforgettable night.

Tatum, you are a legend.  Of the few occasions that I've had the pleasure of spending time with you, none have been forgettable, and a couple have been legendary.  Happy Birthday friend.


P.S. Here is an acrostic using your name:


The Frisbee and the mountain and everything else

Dear Tay Tay,

I have left this very late, which, as you know, is my usual way of doing things. So, Hunny Bunny and I were discussing what sort of thing we would put up on your blog and we were finding it difficult to really get to grips with it. It was definitely one of those questions of, "Where do I start?" My first instinct was to look through my photos to try to jog my memory. Turns out I've only used my camera about three times in the last three years so that didn't really help. So after a bit of thought, I called dibs on the Frisbee and the mountain moment. If Huniak writes about it, he is spitting on my dibs and will pay.

I chose this moment because it was a magical moment where you summoned super human coolness to throw the Frisbee three miles (measurements are estimates only). We had all just walked up a mountain a few minutes beforehand so we already felt like we were standing on top of the world, but that throw turned it from a great morning into a legendary achievement.

It is one moment amongst many, and to be honest it's the many that count. When I came back from Germany, I was not particularly looking forward to being back. A lot of my friends had graduated and I don't exactly enjoy uni at the best of times. It was really great to know that you would still be there and we could hang out and enjoy ourselves. You've always got time for people and that's one of your best qualities, and there are plenty more.

I don't want to get greedy here with the memories but I've just thought of another: After we went to the Christmas market and you had your friends over, we went to the pub to show them "British culture." I gallantly left you talking to the "Pearl Harbour" man whilst I spoke to your friends. After he'd gone we turned to your friends and they then knew exactly what we were talking about when we'd mentioned the "specialness" of the Goose.

Keep on being amazing,



This was the debut of my mini-tripod, for some reason I really needed a self-timed pic of us sitting at octane. We used to love octane and making myself life power points to present to the office of Tom Watson. Remember one time at octane when I knocked over a glass and it shattered and the music stopped at the same time and you point at me and said "she did it". I'm pretty sure I was crying out of embarrassment, thanks for that. I'm also pretty sure you took me our to ice cream afterwards because I was 12 years old at the time. 

Love you! 
<3 Sarah

Wales, baby!

Happy 30th Birthday Tatum! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thank you for all the memories, particularly from my first weekend away last November. I have never seen anyone scare off so many sheep quite so impressively, although I don't think the guy who had to get them all back again appreciated it! Good times. I hope there are many more.
Love, Becky xxx

Happy, happy birthday Tatum!

I'm a bit late in writing, but having looked at all the memories that people have been sharing, there are a few that I just couldn't keep to myself. 

1. I remember meeting up with you in our little slice of America in the middle of London - Chipotle, baby! And how funny it was that the Americans all seemed to have flocked to this tiny restaurant in the middle of an exciting foreign (ish) city. You could tell that they were all Americans, because they all were eager to talk to us and half of them were wearing US college sweatshirts. Fittingly, our burritos cost twice what they would have at home. Oh, England. 

2. One of my favorite memories from my too-short time at Canvas was a Thursday game night, when a girl I had been spending some time with was somehow convinced to come and play Bang with us. She was nervous - you could tell. She didn't quite know how to act around 'Christians,' so when something didn't go her way in the game, she suppressed a swear word. You smiled at her at simply said "This is Canvas. You can let the fucks fly." It was hilarious, and instantly relaxed her. I was so grateful to you for making her feel comfortable. 

3. Last but not least was the night of our team goodbye dinner. Thanks to some extenuating circumstances, it was only me and Prill left in Selly Oak, but you guys still gave us the extra special treatment and raised dozens of toasts to us for the great memories and impressions we had made. My favorite - and the one I come back to again and again in my mind - was when you raised a toast to my parents, praising them for being the kind of awesome people who raise kids like us. It meant so much to me that someone else could see just how great my folks are. Thank you, Tatum, for being so compassionate and genuine. 

xx Hattie

Happy 30th Birthday Tatum!!

Happy birthday Jason Tatum,

Even though the time we have spent together has been brief, I know that every city in the country (and world!) needs their own Jason Tatum!!

I hope you have a great day and hope you receive as many great memories as you have provided to others over the years! Thank you for all you do! 

Happy Birthday 

Love Brent xx

Your 30 on the 30th!

Oh Hey Tay Tay!

Firstly a very HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY to you today on our your special day! I hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed all the festivities and excitement that comes with a birthday and that I didn't steal your spotlight too much!

Secondly, I put the above picture up because this was my very first Canvas weekend away!
 I had know you little over a week before, for some unexplained reason, agreeing to come away with strangers to what you described would be 'shenanigans,' 'tomfoolery' and 'ballyhoo' - three words I still do not know the definitions for, neither the spelling, yet seem apt in describing an entire room of people running around and dancing on a Saturday morning in Wales...something which I believe you instigated, and which hooked me on Canvas for life! For that I thank you!

And thirdly, I do not just have fantastic memories of you (and Canvas) but I also have very excitable expectations of the future and having you as my official intern supervisor! There is no better guy for the job (no offense all other members of canvas staff)... I am so excited to share our birthday and look forward to another year hanging out with you (almost) everyday.

Lots of Love, Jenna x x x x x x x

p.s. I also love that you love Harry Potter...! But you know that already I think I've made it pretty clear...

Happy Birthday JJT!

Jason Joseph Tatum, Charlotte Gabriela Corson just wanted to stop by and send you some birthday love! Hope it's going to be a great day for you, you totally deserve it. You're awesome JT and thanks for all the memories and laughs at Canvas over the last 2 years. I'll miss that when I graduate this summer... but i'll be back visiting for sure! Happy Birthday Jason Joseph Tatum.

Love and birthday hugs,  CGC xXx

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear Tatum

So I don't remember when or where exactly in Birmingham we actually first met, but I do remember the night of your goodbye gathering for you going back to Atlanta after a short visit to Birmingham. I remember sitting on my housemate's bed, maybe in my pyjamas, at midnight or some-late-hour, looking out at the grim dark night, asking her 'should I or shouldn't I get up and go and bid farewell to Tatum?'. She said yes, do it. So I did, and I'm glad I did. I think that was the night when you added me onto your daily update (my email records tell me that I was added on the 20th March 2009), and what an honour, especially because you did hesitate in adding me! (I also remember thinking how high-tech you were in accessing blogs and emails and uploading photos and things on your phone. 3 ish years later and I'm still behind.

Anyway, I'm diverging. So from there grew our gmail chat conversations (sadly we were “off the record” too much on gmail chat and so I don't have many saved). But we talked lots about literature and how were you coming to England and no, not yet, and how long now? And a little bit more of those sequences later and your flight was booked to arrive late December.

So what other key memories do I have? I do remember that night we got back from somewhere and it had been snowing and you gave me a hug and you said it was the most awkward hug you'd had, and that I'd better improve it. I hope you would say that I have? haha

Somehow I never saw quite as much as you as I did in gmail chat those days, but it's just good to know you're in the same country as me, and every now and then I'll see you around.

Un abrazo awkward, Hannah :) x

OH, and happy birthday, Tatum!!! Feliz cumple! You're 30 on the 30th April. That's pretty cool.
You should totally bring out a limited edition Tatum update on that day for your adoring followers.  


I don't have any nice or funny pictures of us, so I am giving you Sunflowers :-) 

You brighten everyone's day and are one of the most wonderful, positive people I've ever met. Thank you for being such a great guy Tatum! that time we had Mead wine and ate without cutlery like pirates- aaarrrrr (and got too full on our starter salad before the actual meal)! And when we went to see the Crucible and chilled out with ice cream in the horror of the second act! And our booky chats!...

You are just brill!

I hope you have a fantastic birthday!
Lots of Love Emily P xxxxx

Yes, I know this is a picture of me...

...but it's one of the few taken on my day trip to Bham. We weren't close (hence the lack of pictures) but you set aside a whole day for me. Not many people would do that for someone they barely knew but you did. God only knows how much I needed that. In a shallow summer you brought depth. That's the kind of person I want to be. THANK YOU for that day, it was a game changer.
Cannot wait to see you this summer! We'll get some more real pictures, like this one!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

so they say it's your birthday..

You made the journey all the way to UWG to give a talk to help me raise money only to be misquoted and misunderstood by my brother. Then you helped in convincing me to stay an extra semester in England when you weren’t even there yet. You understood all of my quirky habits as well as shared some of them. You quote song lyrics with me! and you made me get into the habit of doing that nudge thing… You shared mine and Emily’s utter obsession with Fantastic Mr. Fox. We had £3 sub of the day subway sandwiches almost every Sunday. We gave Kevin a hard time for liking Nickelback (I still try to do that from time to time..).We met Lucy Bishop in The Goose who said she would “head up to New York or down to Miami in my bikin.” We quoted Buechner maybe too much? You were there for me to vent about my stalker visiting me in England. We drank a lot of coffee and read a lot of books. And so much more! You have been a great friend to me and are always encouraging. You always know how to make me smile. I miss you so much and hope your birthday is absolutely wonderful!
and for old times sake, a FB quote:

"The two most important days in a person’s life are the day that they are born, and the day they discover why." -Frederick Buechner

 Happy Birthday my friend :)

 -Katie Edenfield


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Love for Tay Tay!  
Love Benjamin & Everett

Great Adventures!!!

There have been many great adventures!  One of my favorites is this day when I had my first golf cart ride in Peachtree City!  There was, of course, some CFA ice dream and some reading in a bookstore involved.

Then there are those wonderful times when we get to spend the whole day together!  I especially loved that time when we sat on the floor of Barnes and Noble listening to you read poetry.  I still have no idea what half of them meant but it was still lovely!  Another memory that I love is when you made that delicious salad and we watched Gone With the Wind.  Scarlet is a piece of work, isn't she?!

Well, to say that you are one of my favorite people is just not sufficient enough.  Great conversations and fun adventures just scratch the surface of why I love you so much!  I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and a very happy and healthy 30th year of life!  I am glad that I get to see your face in person so many times during it!  You are wonderful!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

"You can text me...."

I hope this memory will continue to make you chuckle.
Lots of love, Hannah. Xx

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

stripes day!

Emily and I might look friends do everything together, right?


this...just all of this.
i miss you friend and all of the fun and crazy selly oak times!

-Katie Edenfield